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Madison Committee on Foreign Relations: April

“Putin’s Russia”

with Dr. Hannah S. Chapman

Refreshments at 5:30 PM and Program at 7 PM

Dr. Hannah S. Chapman is the Karen and Adeed Dawisha Assistant Professor of Political Science at Miami University, and Faculty Associate at the Havighurst Center for Russian and Post-Soviet Studies. She is a UW-Madison alumna who received her Ph.D. in Political Science in 2018. 

Her research and teaching are in the field of comparative politics, with a particular focus on the former Soviet Union.  In the research for her dissertation—"Shoring Up Autocracy:  Participatory Technologies and Regime Support in Putin’s Russia”—she examined the role of elite-mass communication in bolstering support for authoritarian regimes.  

Her awards include the Best Dissertation in Comparative Politics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (2018), and Best Conference Paper in “Information Technology & Politics” from the American Political Science Association (2017).

Her work has been published in Comparative Political Studies, Comparative Politics, Democratization, International Studies Quarterly, and The Washington Post’s Monkey Cage blog.

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